Thursday, November 25, 2010

Try Guided Imagery for Relaxation -

Guided Imagery is defined by  the Academy of Guided Imagery  asa wide variety of techniques, including simple visualization and direct suggestion using imagery, metaphor and story-telling, fantasy exploration and game playing, dream interpretation, drawing, and active imagination where elements of the unconscious are invited to appear as images that can communicate with the conscious mind.” ("Academy for guided," )

Guided Imagery has been used for thousands of years, by many cultures, and can be used for just about any area of your life.   “Imagery had been found to be very effective for the treatment of stress. Imagery is at the center of relaxation techniques designed to release brain chemicals that act as your body's natural brain tranquilizers, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels. By and large, researchers find that these techniques work. Because imagery relaxes the body, doctors specializing in imagery often recommend it for stress-related conditions such as headaches, chronic pain in the neck and back, high blood pressure, spastic colon, and cramping from premenstrual syndrome.”  ("Guided imagery, holisticonline,com," ) 

Take a few minutes now, to take a 5 Minute Vacation or try Mind-Body Relaxation by Susan Castle:

OR:  Follow these links for tips on how to create your own personal imagery.  

My personal favorite is listening to the sound of sea waves while imagining being on the beach as I relax.   
Try it! 

Academy for guided imagery. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Guided imagery, holisticonline,com . (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, November 22, 2010




If you are like me, between work, home, family and for some of us school, that’s all you can be – busy!  Keeping up with everything can be very overwhelming, frustrating and stressful.  So what do we do?  We keep going and pray we don’t drop too many balls at once.  Well, if for no other reason than for your mental health’s sake, it’s time to start taking care of yourself, even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day.  Everybody deserves a little “Me” time so for the next few weeks, I’ve decided to post ideas that can help de-stress and best of all, cost very little to nothing!  I hope you enjoy some of the tips, and can use them to revitalize and energize.